Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Part 1 - Creating a Simple Search Engine

Before delving down into the technical parts, let me enlighten all of the happenings around the search engines and induce you what you can do and what you can benefit by knowing about them.

Starting from 1945 to Google 2007, the realm of search engines have bypassed 1st generation and 2nd generation till its current wobbly state in 3rd generation. In 3rd generation, researchers are trying to widen and make search engines more intelligent by including such features as semantic analysis, focusing on user needs rather than on query and context determination.

You may probably notice some of those features by chance when you do a search - for example -from your GMail and you will notice "New!View and manage your web history" at the top right corner of the resulting web page. It means that this feature is trying to focus on your needs and try to provide you with more relevant results overtime. (User Needs)

Or if you query Google with the word "Iraq", Google will aware that you are looking for news related to Iraq and make best recommendation to you with today top-stories in Iraq at the uppermost result pane. (Context Determination)

Or if you question Google with the phrase starting with "What is..", Google recognizes that you are looking for a definition about something. (Semantic Analysis)

By learning about information retrieval system, you can design next generation search engine, be next Google and be a billionaire. Who knows...?

In 1994 Yahoo rocked the cybersphere,
In 2004 Google reigned the web,
But in 200x, 200x [Put You or Your Company Name here] will take the crown from Google.

Researchers have anticipated 3rd generation search engine to be available by year 2020.

I hope you all enjoy my article.

By the way, I have it in mind to jot down this article into quite a long series. With a bit of luck, you all won't worn-out about my upcoming series.

Below is a present song from me for you.

Stay Tuned,

- Zaw Win Htike

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice post!
Looking forward to read more.